February 2012

31st January 2012

What an exciting day!

Sue Flowers (Artist/Facilitator) came to school for our introductory lessons on the creative elements of the project.

Sue introduced herself as an artist showing digital images of her past work.  The children were very impressed with the range of her environmental work - particularly 'Sky Ladder', 'Flower Bed' and the 'magic' mirrors in water.  We discussed the importance of 'special objects', how we respond creatively to history and related our current knowledge of the Lancashire Witches.
Looking for 'treasure'
Introducing Sue Flowers

At Padiham Green we are very fortunate to have school grounds which serve our sporting activities and also our creative, enquiring minds.  Armed with mirrors and scissors, Sue took us outside to look for and harvest 'special objects' about the size of our palms.  Pebbles, twigs, a snowdrop, holly leaves, fir branches and fungi (carefully collected!) were amongst the hoard!

Using pencils we replicated our own 'special objects' and experimented with shading and tones.  Sue put us at ease with our drawings - 'don't be worried, or your drawings will look worried' and 'don't let your drawing boss you around!'  Some sound advice from the expert!

Work in progress

Our next task was to use fine-nibbed black ink pens.  We drew aound a 10cm square template in the centre of our drawing paper.  The task was to choose an element from our draft pieces and replicate them with added tones.  Again, Sue suggested confidence in approaching the drawings as, if mistakes were made, areas could be worked over or filled in.  You could have heard a pin drop on our carpetted floor!  The concentration levels were high, everyone was 'on task' and quite a few tongues were sticking out!

The results were amazing!  The children began to realise that patience, concentration and focussing on small areas produced wonderful work.  From close up the drawings were intricate; from a distance weird and wonderful shapes became visible - some could be linked to the Lancashire Witches!  A temporary gallery quickly appeared and grew as the progressive work was completed.


Instant gallery!

We looked at each piece of work individually, commenting positively on the outcome.  The children were filled with confidence and agreed they had learned a great deal from the skills taught.

An artist at work

Thank you Sue - looking forward to your next visit!

Next blog.......


   Only two possible occurrences could prevent the expedition from taking place:
  1. Bad Weather
  2. A visit from Ofsted
 The weather was glorious - blue skies, icy cold & the hill covered in snow.
 The second occurred! 
 Hence - Expedition Postponed!!!!!

                         The Story Of Alizon Davies

             Class 4 reinacted the sorry story of Alizon (but not the final outcome!)

Alizon was the eldest daughter of Elizabeth Davies. 
Her grandmother was Elizabeth Southern, nicknamed "Demdike".

Alizon is said to have made her living by begging.

On March 18th 1612 Alizon was on her way to Trawden Forest when she met a pedlar by the name of John Law. 

He was from Halifax and said to be healthy but 'stout'.

(Pedlars sold household bits and pieces and would travel widely.) 

When she asks him to sell her some pins he refuses saying that he did not wish to have his pack stolen.  Alizon tries repeatly to get the pins, but in vain.
John holds fast and Alizon curses him for his meanness.

Unfortunately, within a few minutes after they had parted, the pedlar has a seizure.
Alizon looks on, wondering if her curse has taken effect!
John Law is taken to an alehouse in Colne, where he is visited by Alizon who 'staid not long there, but looked on him and went away'. 

Later John recovers his speech and complains that "he was pricked with knives, elsons and sickles" and that "the hurt he had in his lameness was done by witchcraft by Alizon Davies."

He is disturbed in sleep by the visions of a black dog which he believes is Alizon.

Alizon is arrested and taken to Lancaster Castle.

A prisoner, frightened, suffering from the foul conditions of prison life, Alizon has no counsel to plead her case.  No witnesses are allowed to speak on her behalf.
All Alizon  to could do now was plead 'Guilty' or 'Not Guilty', listen to the evidence against her, hear her own 'confession' read out against her, answer questions and then wait for the inevitable verdict.

Alizon asks John  to forgive her, which he does.
Alizon Davies was sentenced to death by hanging
on Wednesday 19th August 1612.

Alizon......................Molly S
John Law.................Charlie S
The Judge................Sophie W1

Props......................Mrs F

(Where are the Ofsted Inspectors when you really need them!!!!!!!)

The children created sequenced drawings of Alizon's story.

Padiham Green Church of England Primary School is Post-Ofsted! 
The blog continues........


  1. Wow - what a great lesson. IIt looks like you had a lot of fun class 4! I might even try some of those drawing techniques with my own class ;)

    Keep up the good work, I can't wait to hear all about the Pendle Hill Expedition!!

    Love Mrs Edwards.

  2. Drawings look brilliant!
